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Taking life too seriously


Updated: Jul 7, 2024

I have been told, on multiple occasions, that I take life too seriously. 

The first I heard of it was back in college, where missing a lecture meant choking on my heart that I stuck to my throat. It was then brought to my notice when 10 pm meant bed time. Eventually, I heard it from everyone who got to know me a little better. 

When the world tells you something too much repeatedly, you tend to lose your sense of reality.

People told me to "calm down" and "chill" so much that I began thinking there was something wrong with me - that I had incarcerated myself so deep, the leak wouldn't stop. It made me question a lot of choices I made.

Living a life that is considered too serious:

To what most people say - I do not disagree. 


On most days, I am tired by 9.15 pm. 

On some Fridays, I sleep by 8.30. 

My body wakes me up at 6am, worrying about which, I start by 4am. 

I want to know something new every single day.

I always want to learn another skill.

Sometimes, staying still is the most difficult thing for me to do. 

At my best, my mind is a good-to-implode pressure tank. 

And in the past, (an episode about which, I hope, I have the strength to write someday), fighting myself was the hardest battle I'd had to fight.

I've reflected deeply upon my personality - about the rules I have set for myself, and the choices I make every single day.

I have concluded, with all my sanity and patience, that I do not regret it.

My lessons: 

I have just one thing to reiterate - people will genuinely, ALWAYS have something to say. Even those you love you. It is so important to realize that just because someone wants the best for you, does not mean they know what is best for you. 

In effect, 

  • If possible, do not listen to what people say, at all. 

  • If you can’t, at least do not take advice from those who you do not want to be like in the future (and take that call wisely). 

Taking life too seriously works for me. When I sit and think about it, all the things I missed out on, cleared the space for greater, kinder experiences. All the ships I allowed to sail, were emptying my harbor for more understanding, mature relationships and friendships. And while on some days I wish I dealt with things just a bit differently, the fact that I have always self-imposed this pressure has led me to handle pressure immensely well.

The same path looks different to each of us :)

Life shouldn't be as complicated as we make it.

As long as we are not harming anyone, we must allow ourselves to live the way we want to. And take my word for it - you will not regret the time you lost, or the things you did not do, as long as you are honest to yourself.

Everything in life works, as long as you believe that it works. 

In retrospect, that's probably one of the most sacrosanct rules I've learnt to live by.

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